Please note: We do not sell city stickers from our office. These are sold by the City Clerk online (~10 business days) or at their locations here. The City Vehicle Sticker is an annual wheel tax levied by the City of Chicago. If you have a vehicle within the city limits for a period of thirty (30) days or longer, you are required to purchase a sticker, even if your vehicle is registered outside of the City of Chicago.
Vehicle stickers are valid upon purchase, meaning when you get your new vehicle sticker, remove your old sticker and replace it with the new one. Your expiration month and year is printed on your vehicle sticker. Vehicle stickers expire on the final day of the expiration month.
Motorcycles and mopeds are also required to pay the “Wheel Tax.” The City Clerk’s Office sells special motorcycle medallions that must be affixed to the rear license plate. These are only sold at City Clerk Offices and online.
Include Residential Permit Parking??
New Vehicle?
You have 30 days from the date you purchased your vehicle (or, if received as a gift, the date you received your vehicle) to purchase and display a Chicago City Vehicle Sticker.
New to Chicago?
You have 30 days from your move-in date to purchase and display a Chicago City Vehicle Sticker.
Where to Purchase Your City Sticker
We DO NOT sell City Stickers at the 44th Ward Service Office. City Vehicle Stickers can be purchased online through the City Clerk’s EZ>BUY online sales application. If you do not have your Renewal Form, you can still buy online using your Illinois license plate number, street name and last name.
City Vehicle Stickers can also be purchased in person at one of the following City Clerk locations:
City Hall (121 N. LaSalle, Room 107)
City Clerk South Side Satellite Office (5674 S. Archer Ave, Unit A)
City Clerk North Side Satellite Office (5430 W. Gale St)
Stickers can also be purchased at 350 community vendors throughout the city including currency exchanges and banks located within the city limits. In addition, stickers can be purchased at the Department of Finance sub-station, located at 4445 N. Pulaski Rd. The substation is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. To locate one of the 350 locations that you can visit to purchase a City Sticker, please click here.
**NOTE: Residents requiring an Exception Letter, must utilize the City Clerk’s office and NOT a community vendor.
Required Documents when purchasing a City of Chicago Vehicle Sticker:
You must provide a valid government issued I.D., your vehicle registration and proof of residency. If you are purchasing your sticker at a Currency Exchange, you must have in-state license plates.
The price of a Chicago City Vehicle Sticker depends on the following factors:
Vehicle Type – Passenger, Large Passenger, Small Truck, Large Truck, Motorcycle, and Antique Chicago City Vehicle Stickers are assigned varying prices.
Purchaser Age – Motorists age 65 and older by the first day of the month in which the vehicle was purchased or moved to the City of Chicago are eligible for discounted Chicago City Vehicle Stickers. Read More
Purchase Date – New Stickers – by default – include a $60.00 late fee ($30.00 for senior-discounted City Stickers) as well as possible monthly prorated backcharges. To avoid additional late fees please purchase your City Vehicle Sticker within the 30 day grace period. The grace period is 30 days from the date of move in to the City of Chicago and/or purchase of a new vehicle.
Annual Residential Zone Parking – Residential Zone Parking is optional and not applicable for all vehicles. Read more
Sticker Types & Prices & Late Fees
For a full list of sticker costs and potential ticket prices visit the City Clerk’s website by clicking here.