About this Application:
MedMar has been approved for a special use for a medical cannabis dispensary for the building at 3812 North Clark Street. The site is currently improved with a 2-story building and a garage. It is currently a vacant ground floor storefront and 3 dwelling units (one on the ground floor and two units on the second floor). Upon approval of its special use from the Zoning Board of Appeals, MedMar intends to purchase the property, and will redevelop the building with a medical cannabis dispensary on the ground floor and MedMar’s offices on the second floor. No dwelling units will be located on the site. Secured loading will be provided within the enclosed garage that will be attached to the building. The dispensary will be operated consistent with State of Illinois laws and regulations relative to medical cannabis dispensaries.
The City of Chicago has confirmed that the building is zoned B3-2 Community Shopping District and that it is not within 1,000 feet of an established school or licensed daycare center. Under the City of Chicago Zoning Ordinance, MedMar is required to seek approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals for a special use for a medical cannabis dispensary. The Zoning Board of Appeals is currently scheduled to hear the application on December 18, 2015. The State of Illinois had previously issued MedMar a license to operate a medical cannabis dispensary in Lakeview Township on February 3, 2015.
The State of Illinois has given MedMar until December 31, 2015 to obtain the necessary zoning approvals and to complete its registration to operate a dispensary.
More information on the Zoning Board of Appeals (including agendas and decisions) can be found here,http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/dcd/supp_info/zoning_board_of_appeals.html
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Illinois Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ