Lion Halsted 3 LLC is owner of the property located at 3322 North Halsted Street. The property contains 3,125 square feet of site area and contains a vacant multi-story building. The property owner has proposed a rezoning of the property from the C1-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to the C1-3 Neighborhood Commercial District in order to authorize the construction of a four-story mixed-use, multi-family residential building containing seven rental dwelling units and approximately 814 square feet of ground floor commercial space. An accessible residential unit will be provided on the ground floor. The overall project Floor Area Ratio (FAR) will be 3.14. The project will include five bicycle parking spaces and two vehicular parking spaces at the rear of the building. The property is located within 1,320 feet of the Belmont CTA station and therefore qualifies as a transit-served location. A transit-served location parking reduction is proposed. The project was presented to the Triangle Neighbors who voted unanimously to support the project. The property owner has also worked collaboratively with immediate neighbors to make enhancements to the proposed development.