44th Ward Developer Checklist
As the developer of the project at _____________________________, I will make sure all of my workers, sub-contractors & service providers are responsible & respectful of the neighbors. I will ensure all proper permits are acquired & all city laws are followed. In addition, I will adhere to the following:
- Construction noise will not start before 8am or go later than 9pm. Starting a little later on weekend mornings would be appreciated,
- Construction vehicles, deliveries, or dumpsters shall not be in use outside the hours of 7am-10pm,
- Construction vehicles & materials shall not be stored on public property without the proper permits,
- If a construction vehicle is blocking access in the alley or on the street & asked to move, the driver shall do so, quickly & respectfully,
- All construction vehicles shall obey city parking regulations,
- Idling vehicles & equipment should be turned off,
- Private dumpsters, not neighborhood trash cans, should be used for trash disposal & they should be emptied regularly to prevent from overflowing,
- The City’s Materials Recycling Ordinance should be followed,
- Construction workers will clean up the construction site & any other areas that were disturbed due to construction (alley, sidewalk) at the end of every day,
- Portable toilets will be used on site. They will be kept on the project’s property & will be emptied as often as possible,
- The use of other’s private property or utilities, without permission, is strictly forbidden,
- The site will be secured with the proper fencing around the entire site at the end of every day,
- Effective rat abatement will be used before & during demolition/construction,
- Snow removal & yard maintenance will be done as required by law,
- Construction dust will be mitigated by the use of a wet saw, green mesh & any other protective measures that are deemed helpful,
- The landscaping on the public way & on the adjacent properties will be protected,
- Permits will be posted on site, as required by law,
- Any damage done to adjacent properties will be the sole responsibility of the development company. ___
- The schedule of demolition/construction will be sent to the Alderman’s office at ward44@cityofchicago.org or faxed to 773-525-5058,
- The project manager or his assignee will meet with the immediate neighbors before the project begins to share emergency contact information, set up a process for, conflict resolution, & survey the conditions before construction. ___
- Abandoned curbs & driveways need to be replaced,
- Any new construction requires new sidewalks unless otherwise approved by the Alderman,
- I acknowledge that there are inherent challenges when doing construction in an urban congested area like Lakeview. I will do everything in my power to minimize the negative impacts of the neighbors & the community as a whole. ___
Developer (print) Date
_______________________________________ _____________________
Developer (signature) Date
_______________________________________ ______________________
Developer phone number Date
_______________________________________ ______________________